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Search & Rescue

Search & Rescue

Always busy

For many years, the Grand County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue has been one of the busiest SAR teams in the state of Utah. This is mainly due to the wide variety of activities the Moab area has to offer, the high number of visitors, and the remoteness of the area.

Members and volunteers need to have hours and hours of training for the many kinds of rescues that occur each year. Incidents can take hours just to reach.
The highest-call months for rescues are in the spring and fall, which are also the busiest months in the Moab area.

None of us plan on having an accident, getting lost, or suffering from temperature extremes. However, we can do our best to be prepared for whatever nature throws at us.

Be Prepared

Being prepared and thinking through your actions can help avoid a rescue.

When a Call is Needed

Make the call. If you are in need of help, never hesitate to call 911.

Then, stay put and don’t panic. S.T.O.P. (Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan).

Most search fatalities make their deadly mistake in the first ten minutes of being lost. Think clearly. Make yourself visible. Stay calm.

In Grand County, you can call or text 911. In some cases, a text will go through when a call won’t. When using your smart phone, the GPS in your phone transmits your current location, with accuracy of about 13ft. This helps dispatch locate you. Then stay put!

Don’t try and call anyone else as you need to conserve your phone’s battery. You also need to keep the line clear if rescuers try and call you. If your phone dies, your GPS won’t work. Just turning on a cell phone uses a lot of battery power. Don’t even think of posting on social media, that uses power.

Using a two-way satellite communicator is a great option (Garmin InReach or SPOT for example). They use less battery power; some have the option to talk to rescuers, and their GPS is a bit more accurate.

Donations Appreciated

Help fund Search and Rescue. Go to


Having a Utah Search and Rescue Assistance card contributes to the search and rescue efforts. The yearly cost of $25/individual or $35/family is well worth it for everyone involved.

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